To test, study and further develop EXO FLEX TECHNOLOGY, we at CAMPBELL DESIGNED built a machine to measure and compare the flex characteristics and strength of our surfboard construction against other systems.
Surfboard design & construction has long been driven by anecdotal evidence as opposed to scientific testing and analysis. With flex being recognised as one of the crucial elements of surfboard performance, Ryan & myself Stuey set out to examine this crucial characteristic beyond feelings and opinion. We built a device to quantify the degree of flex to force applied in a variety of surfboards. Using a standard, stringer PU/Polyester board as a baseline, other EPS/Epoxy constructions and two versions of our own EXO FLEX TECHNOLOGY we meticulously recorded & graphed the results. Boards were taken to the point of breakage to obtain an overall comparative snap resistance figure as well.
The numbers obtained from the initial round of testing, some supporting popular opinion and others counter intuitive have pointed towards why noted surf scribe Nick Carrol referred to EXO FLEX as "About as cool and effective a piece of surfboard engineering I've seen this century"
